広島県知事及び愛媛県知事がSpecial Award of World Bicycle Day(世界自転車デー特別表彰)を受賞
このたび、「瀬戸内しまなみ海道」におけるサイクリング推進の取組みが評価され、広島県 湯﨑英彦知事及び愛媛県 中村時広知事が、「The Class of 2022 Laureates of World Bicycle Day of the United Nations Awards」(世界自転車デー国連表彰の2022年受賞者)として選定されました。
広島県 湯﨑英彦知事

愛媛県 中村時広知事
※Special Award of World Bicycle Day(世界自転車デー特別表彰)とは
国連では、2018年に6月3日をWorld Bicycle Day(世界自転車デー)と定めて、SDGsの実現に貢献し、単なる交通手段としてだけでなく、教育・健康・スポーツにも役立つツールとして自転車を位置付け、世界中に自転車の有益性を広めるとともに、その活用に取り組むよう決議がなされており、その活動の一環として、サイクリングの普及促進等に貢献している団体・個人を称えるため、2021年に特別表彰制度を創設したもの。
Hiroshima and Ehime Prefectural Governors Receive Special Award of World Bicycle Day
Governor Hidehiko Yuzaki of Hiroshima Prefecture and Governor Tokihiro Nakamura of Ehime Prefecture have been honored for their efforts in promoting cycling along the Setouchi Shimanami Kaido.
We are pleased to announce that they have been selected as “The Class of 2022 Laureates of World Bicycle Day of the United Nations Awards”.
【Reason for Award】
Their leadership and excellence in promoting Japan Cycling Paradise “Shimanami Kaido”
○Hidehiko Yuzaki, Governor of Hiroshima Prefecture
We are very grateful for the high regard of our efforts in promoting cycling along the Shimanami Kaido.
We are planning to hold the international cycling event “Cycling Shimanami 2022” on October 30 this year in cooperation with Ehime Prefecture and other prefectures, and we would like to continue to make the area around the Shimanami Kaido more and more exciting in the future.
○Tokihiro Nakamura, Governor of Ehime Prefecture
We are very pleased to receive this prestigious award, as we hope the wonderful environment surrounding cycling on the Shimanami Kaido will be recognized and appreciated around the world.
In order to be deserving of this award, we will continue to cooperate with Hiroshima Prefecture and proceed with further efforts in line with the principles of the UN resolution.
※Special Award of World Bicycle Day
The United Nations resolved in 2018 to designate June 3 as World Bicycle Day to contribute to the realization of the SDGs and to position bicycles not only as a means of transportation, but also as a useful tool for education, health, and sports, and to promote the benefits of bicycles and their use around the world. As part of these activities, a special award system was established in 2021 to honor organizations and individuals who have contributed to the promotion of cycling.